Epic Fail

Before I became obsessed with Jacks

Anglers can be very creative when explaining why they did not catch any fish.  After getting abused by a large Crevalle Jack last week, I dedicated this week to getting even.  Every moment on the water was spent looking for a school of Jacks upon which I could take my revenge.  Sadly, the Jacks once again got the better of me.  So, here are my excuses for not catching a Jack.

Excuse number one – Brody (the amazing fish finding and stock trading dog), opted out on my quest for Jack revenge.  He muttered something along the lines of “You put on a fur coat and stand in the blazing sun for hours; see how much fun you have”. 

Excuse number two – I put on a fur coat and stood in the blazing sun for hours and passed out from heat stroke.  Brody was right.  It was not much fun.  To make matters worse, I lost two days of fishing while recovering from heat stroke.

Excuse number three – Severe dehydration from wearing a fur coat in 92-degree temperatures reaggravated my back injury.  It is impossible to catch a Jack when you cannot stand up straight.   However, on the bright side, I am a finalist for the lead role in the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Excuse number four – Subconsciously, I do not want to catch a big Jack.  Thus, I unwittingly sabotage every opportunity to catch one.   I use tackle way to light for the job.  Hooks that are not strong enough.  Oh yeah, and fish in a fur coat.  Who does that?

Clearly, I am obsessed with targeting Jacks.  But, apparently not very good at it.  So, there will probably be even more creative excuses next week!