Warmer weather has significantly increased boat traffic in Beresford Creek. To my surprise, many of the boats stop by the dock to visit with Brody. It seems being a fishing finding and stock trading dog has made him a bit of a local celebrity. So now, he just sits on the dock and waits for people to stop. Some want a picture. Others an autograph. Most inquire where the fish are or what stocks to buy. Brody asked me to share his answers to these questions.
With water temperatures approaching the middle 60-degree range, Redfish, Trout and Flounder are actively feeding in the shallows. Look for them near the mouth of small creeks on the falling tide. Predators congregate in these locations waiting for the tide to bring them an easy meal. Brody says the fish are feasting. If you don’t catch one after a few casts they are not there. Move to the next likely location. Keep moving until you start catching.
As for stocks, please know that Brody is a dog. He has no formal training or certifications in this area. However, he does pretty well in the market. Recently, Brody has been moving into and out of stocks very quickly. Before Russia invaded Ukraine, Brody stocked up (no pun intended) on the energy sector. XOM, OKE and BP all went up when the invasion began. A few days later, rumors of a Covid outbreak in China had Brody selling his energy sector holdings while the stocks were still rising. The next day, the energy sector gave up its gains. Brody says, “pigs eat, and hogs get slaughtered”. In a volatile market don’t be a hog. To tell the truth, I am not quite sure what he means but that is what he says.
Life with a fish finding and stock trading dog is always interesting. If you are out on the boat and in need of excitement, stop by the dock. Brody will be there waiting for you.